Looking for a coach?

Are you looking for a coach to help you learn or take your Orienteering to the next level?

Want to be a coach?

Are you interested in coaching others? Do you want to get your coaching qualifications?

Looking for coaching opportunities?

Are you looking for coaching opportunities in Canberra and already have experience?

Orienteering ACT has many different coaching programs. See below for one that suits your situation. You can also contact the Coaching Administration Officer if you need help.

For all (self study)

Beginners: Getting Started

Moderate: Skills

Advanced: Advanced Skills

For beginners of all ages

For boys and girls ages 12-18

For girls ages 7-18

For anyone over 18

Watch the Events page, or contact the office.

For experienced 18-35 year olds

Coaching accreditation information is available on the Orienteering Australia website: Coaching Accreditation 

Orienteering Instructor and Learn and Play Coach accreditation (and re-accreditation) is the responsibility of Orienteering ACT. Competition Coach and Performance Coach accreditation (and re-accreditation) is the responsibility of OA.

Please contact the Coaching Administration Officer if you need help.

Orienteering Instructor

Orienteering Instructor Accreditation is the entry point of the Orienteering Australia (OA) coaching accreditation structure. 

Orienteering Instructor Accreditation has been designed to meet the needs of both:

  1. School teachers wanting to deliver orienteering in primary or secondary schools.
  2. Community members, who could be current orienteers, wanting to deliver orienteering coaching/skill instruction in community or school setting.

This level is suitable to become a Sporting Schools coach. For community members, the basic requirements are to complete an online course via the OA Learning Centre, hold a WWVP card, and be a member of an orienteering club. For teachers, only the online course is required. Completion of an ASC online course (approx. 3-4 hours) and a first aid certificate are also recommended.

Learn and Play Orienteering Coach

Learn and Play coaches work with beginners to introduce them to orienteering, then equip them with the skills to optimally enjoy their participation.

Competition Orienteering Coach

Competition coaches work with everyday orienteers, those who want to challenge themselves to do their personal best.

Performance Orienteering Coach

Performance coaches work with elite athletes, both nationally and internationally, assisting these orienteers to train and compete at the highest levels.

Orienteering ACT would love to have you involved in coaching, whether it’s coaching the children just starting out, or our Cockatoos elite team. Please contact the relevant coaching officer here: OACT Office Holders

Blue Lightning


Sporting Schools

Children aged 12-18

Canberra’s elite team

Children aged 7-13 (programs typically involve half a day for 4 weeks at a time)

Coaching Scholarships Program

There is also an Australia wide coaching scholarships program, of which OACT is a part of. If you are interested in one of these scholarships, see Orienteering Scholarships Australia

Working With Vulnerable People

The law in the ACT requires coaches and others carrying out activities with children to be registered under the Working With Vulnerable People Act 2011.

There are certain circumstances where a coach may not be required to be registered for one-off type activities. These circumstances are described in s.12 of the Act.

If you have any queries about how the WWVP legislation applies to you, please read the guidance from Access Canberra or contact the primary schools coaching coordinator in the first instance: schools@act.orienteering.asn.au