Orienteering ACT, Inc.
Orienteering ACT, Incorporated is a non-profit organisation run primarily by volunteers, that has been creating maps and hosting events in Canberra and the surrounding region since 1971.
Orienteering ACT Inc, ABN: 13 411 591 285
Incorporated Association Number: A00509 dated 8 July 1977
For details about the OACT Board, Constitution, Insurance, Strategic Plan, AGM, etc, please see Governance.
For a list of all office holders and board members, see OACT Board & Office Holders.

OACT is a member of Orienteering Australia.

Orienteering Australia is a member nation of the International Orienteering Federation (IOF).
Members of Orienteering ACT receive a number of benefits, such as discounted event entry fees, Australian Orienteer magazine, and many more. When you become a member of OACT you also must choose which club you would like to belong to. See Clubs for more information. Members receive voting rights at the annual meeting and may become board members. Visit Join Orienteering ACT to become an member.
Note: you do not need to be a member to participate in events.
Newcomers are always welcome!
We are a friendly bunch and are always happy to see new faces at any of our events. If you are unsure how to get started, please see the Getting Started information, or talk to the “Ask Me” person at an event.