ACT Classic Series: ACT League #8, Collector Hill
- Date
- 11 July 2021
- Entry Deadline
- Pre entry closed
- Calendar
- Organising Club
- Bushflyers
- Distance
- Long
- Documents
Choosing Your Course at ACT League Events
- Event Notes
Anyone entering an OACT event MUST comply with the current Covid-19 health advice in both their home state and the ACT, as at 24 hours prior to the event. Note that while travelling, it is your responsibility to maintain physical distancing and practice good hygiene. See also the OACT COVID-19 Policy: https://act.orienteering.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2021-05-30-OACT-Covid-19-Policy.pdf
Refunds of entry fees will be considered for anyone who is unable to attend the event due to Covid-19 restrictions. Information on travel to and from the ACT can be found here: https://www.covid19.act.gov.au/community/travel
Per current NSW COVID-19 restrictions face masks must be worn by attendees at the event, except when competing.
Non-competing attendees - please register for free in the non-competing attendee class.
Pre-entry only. Entries close 11:59pm Wednesday 7 July. This is not a joke – NO late entries and NO Enter on the Day.
Hard 1 (9.1km, 320m), Hard 2 (7.6km, 270m), Hard 3 (5.2km, 185m), Hard 4 (3.9km, 145m), Hard 5 (3.1km, 85m), Moderate 1 (5.1km, 170m), Moderate 2 (3.5km, 100m), Easy (3.1km, 90m), Very Easy (3.1km, 90m).
This is truly a bush event. The forest is comprised mainly of wattle species which have suffered from wind damage. A feature of the area is a technical NS spine of elevated cliffs and rocks in the middle of the map. The visibility is fairly good but progress will be hampered with many fallen trees and branches on much of the competition area. These areas probably should be mapped as slow run but the map has not been revised. Most fencing except for most of the perimeter is broken with fallen trees, and the tracks can’t be totally relied on; they are not very visible because of the lack of use and the fallen trees. The vast majority of the termite mounds are accurate. The courses have been reduced in length in anticipation of slower progress. The Very Easy and Easy courses also go through some rough areas in parts; these will have bunting tape to aid in keeping on the route.
Safety direction is North.
Between 10:00 and 12:00. Queuing starts.
Courses close at 14:00 (2:00pm). You MUST report to the finish by 14:00, whether you have finished your course or not.
Allow approximately 50 minutes from north Canberra. The turn off, Mays Lane, is 1.8km east of Collector Road. Note, this is a turn right across the westbound lanes of the Federal Highway so exercise care. Note that Mays Lane is not signposted from the highway, but will be marked with orienteering signs.
A gold coin donation for the land holder will be collected on arrival at the parking.
- Terms and conditions
- I have read and will abide by the rules set out in the OACT COVID-19 Policy: https://act.orienteering.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2021-05-30-OACT-Covid-19-Policy.pdf --- I have read and understood the OACT Risk Statement: https://act.orienteering.asn.au/resources/event-management/risk-statement/
- Driving Directions
Using Apple Maps
Using Google Maps
- Eventor
- View event on Eventor (opens in a new tab)
- Risk Statement
- View Risk Statement
Event Contact Information
- Phone
- 02 6162 3422
- Event director
- Valerie Barker
- Contact person
- Paul de Jongh
- Course planner
- Ari Piiroinen
- Course controller
- Ross Stewart
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