Time of yearSummer series of 7-10 events
Start times 9:00am – 10:00am
Course closure10:30am
Day of weekSunday
CoursesSprint course (approx. 2.5km)
Beginner sprint course (≈1km)


Sprint Series Features


All events will be SI-Air! See below for more SI stick info.

Live Results

Results will be available on the website as competitors finish.

Blind starts

No cheating at these events. Punch the start, then grab your map, and go!

New maps

Most events will be on new maps. The others will be on rarely used maps.

Small control flags

To make these events even more fun, you'll be looking for small control flags!

Junior Setters

All courses set by junior orienteers. If you enjoy a course let us know!


There's one course, but two variations. Grab a buddy and race head-to-head!

Two courses

Sprint course (≈2.5 km) Beginner sprint course (≈1km)
Suitable for all ages and abilities

Important Rules

Urban and park sprint maps include numerous uncrossable and out of bounds areas, it is strictly forbidden to enter or cross these areas. These areas are often denoted by olive green sections (garden beds or private property), thick black lines (uncrossable walls and fences), or purple lines/hatching (temporary out of bounds and forbidden routes).

Crossing these areas is strictly against the rules of the orienteering, and can result in disqualification. It is forbidden to enter these areas, jump over them, or lean over them to reach a control, even if you are physically able to do so. 

Violating impassable areas is not only unfair to other competitors, it can also lead to significant safety risks, and may jeopardise our ability to conduct future events at many locations where areas have been made out of bounds at the request of the landholder.

SI Stick info

All events in the series will be SI-Air enabled. This means that if you have an SIAC card then you can use contactless punching (ie. swipe your SIAC stick within 30cm of the control to punch, rather than inserting it in the hole). All other SI Sticks will work, but not with contactless punching. Some of the sprint events will be using more than 30 controls, so an SI capable of holding more than 30 punches is recommended. For SI’s that are limited to 30 punches, some splits will be missing in the results.  

Sprint Series Program

ACT Sprint Series League

The sprint series league totals your best 8 scores out of the 10 events, for a maximum score of 1000.

Place scores: 125, 120, 115, 110, 105, 100, 98, 96, 94, 92, 90, 88, 87, 86, 85, 84, 82, 80, 78, 76, 74, 72, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50 (minimum 50 for finishing)

2020 Sprint Series League Standings

Course Planning

If you would like to be the course planner or organiser for one of the Sprint Series events, please email the office.

Sprint Series Course Planning Guide