Board Shorts – February 2025
At its first meeting for 2025 the OACT Board reviewed progress with the strategic plan process that has been led by Gavin Macdonald using Sport & Rec funding. Gavin submitted…
At its first meeting for 2025 the OACT Board reviewed progress with the strategic plan process that has been led by Gavin Macdonald using Sport & Rec funding. Gavin submitted…
At its winter meetings for 2024 the OACT Board has focussed on a range of issues: Policy The following governance materials were approved: Code of Conduct, Gender Policy, Board Charter,…
At the first meeting of the new Board in April re-elected President, Susanne Harrysson, welcomed three new members: Tate Needham, Nina Davis and John Shelton Agar. She reiterated her comments…
At its first meeting for 2024 the OACT Board noted: Orienteering Australia (OA) has circulated a draft Participation plan - members felt that the circulated plan is quite high level…
While your OACT Secretary was gadding about the planet in the second half of last year, here are some of the things the association’s management committee was dealing with: June…
At the Annual General Meeting of the Association held last Thursday, the following members were elected to the Board for the next 12 months: President - Susanne HarryssonSecretary - Stephen…
At the January meeting of the OACT Board the President reported on the year ahead, noting in particular: We appear to have serious emerging issues with: access to Canberra Nature…
At its final meeting for the year the OACT Board recently formally adopted Adoption National Integrity Framework (which had previously also been adopted by OA at the national level). NIF…
The OACT Board’s meeting last week was a long one with a range of financial issues under discussion. The Executive Officer reported that in relation to recurrent funding grants, ACT…
The Secretary apologises for the delay in preparing the following summary of business conducted by the OACT Board in recent months. Many of the reported actvities have now been completed…
At the first meeting of the new 2022 Board in May, Susanne welcomed new and returning members and congratulated Valerie Barker, who had been unable to attend the AGM, on…
At the Association’s AGM held at the Canberra Southern Cross Club Jamison on 28 April there were several changes to the OACT Board: Susanne Harrysson (Bushflyers) was elected as President…