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Board Shorts – April 2024

At the first meeting of the new Board in April re-elected President, Susanne Harrysson, welcomed three new members: Tate Needham, Nina Davis and John Shelton Agar. She reiterated her comments from the AGM that the three areas for our key strategic focus for the year should be increasing participants and participation in orienteering, managing our finances and managing the demand on our volunteers.


Phil noted that we still do not have a series coordinator for the midweek series, so Andrew is to prepare a roster of midweek event managers. The Event Planning sub-committee meets again 23 May to look at the October-March program. With a late Easter in 2025 there is an opportunity to have middle and long events early. The Board noted next year’s NOL events are widespread – NZ (with Oceania), WA, Vic, NSW.

The Board agreed that the Mapping sub-committee should formally engage each mapper and alert the Treasurer to the forecast expenditure. When claims are made to the Treasurer (using the online form) mappers must be clear who approved the mapping work including for which event/purpose. Tate and Paul have explored some additional areas in the Corin region with a view to possible 2026 maps. Rohan has also looked at Pierces Creek, which may be suitable for an ACT League event. Old maps will need major upgrades.

The Board noted that at a recent event a participant had returned very late after the closing time. Police were notified, but ultimately not required. The person was very apologetic and has agreed to observe the closing time rule, namely to be back at the assembly area by course closure time. On another occasion a person changed from their pre-entered course at the event, but did not tell organisers. Both issues put a significant strain on organisers. Phil will remind controllers that they have a responsibility to make a decision about such issues as ensuring an official is present at the start, about printing off start lists and checking whistles etc. especially at more major events.

The Board agreed that, subject to confirming that our insurance policy does not exclude it, for the League events coming up at Wee Jasper and Awoonga it will be sufficient to have a roster of remote first aid qualified members such that at least one such person will be available at all times.

The Board noted that there is currently no non-binary participation option in Eventor. OA is pursuing this with Eventor software designers but this is likely to take time to resolve. In the meantime we can promote the rule that ‘Mens’ class is actually ‘Open’ to any entrant regardless of age or gender.


Financial routines – the auditor has observed that at very least a list of expenditure should be presented to Board meetings for ratification by two members (or a second member in addition to the Treasurer). This should be a standing agenda item. Today the Treasurer presented a written list of transactions for the period 1-29 April to the President, who ratified it.

Also following the auditor’s comments, Andrew is to explore arrangements for payment of workers compensation insurance; GST credits cannot be claimed on reimbursements to volunteers unless they are acting as agents of OACT in making the purchase/s; we need to clarify our treatment of non-current assets and their depreciation.

Grant funding options – the Board thanked Phil for completion of the applications that have been submitted to ACT Sport & Rec and OA. Awaiting outcomes.


  • Learn to Orienteer – 20 currently registered incl 6 children
  • MTBO report – following further discussion with Marina and Fedor the budget has been adjusted to aim to break even
  • Autumn SC-ORE 2024 wrapped up successfully.

Orienteering Australia Issues

  • Oceania 2026 – There has been a good response to the call to fill positions for organisation of the 2026 Aus Champs. More are needed.
  • Feedback from AGM: OA has reported a significant amount in unspent grant funds, but also significant additional payments from the States going towards their increased employee expenses. No detail has been provided about the audited accounts.

Other Business

  • ASOC – Valerie and Susanne would establish an ASOC selection panel of at least three members.
  • Shirts – The Board agreed that given our current financial situation there would no longer be a subsidy, so replacement shirts will be sold at $45 and sprint singlets at $30.
  • Computer operators – Phil to confirm that the current operators will continue for the next season.
  • Welcome person: Andrew is happy to continue.
  • Facebook Learn to Orienteer campaign: Nina reported this paid campaign had reached 2500 unique people with 825 clicks and now 20 course registrations.
  • Tate reported that he, Fedor Iskhakov and Michael Reed are testing a radio control system for which funding has been sought from the OA Moira Whiteside bequest, which they are hoping to extend to two controls in the field for NOL events.

The next meeting of the Board will be on Wed 29 May