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Carnival Overview
All the signs are there for a great carnival in three phases:

On behalf of the International Orienteering Federation, Orienteering ACT is proud to be organising the 2019 edition of the Oceania Orienteering Championships and associated events. This time we will be joining with our NSW and Victorian O-colleagues to host a carnival of events in the A41 Olympic Highway corridor. Expect a variety of challenging terrains west of Australia’s Great Dividing Range and spread between the local government districts of two of our generous sponsors, the Councils of the Cities of Wagga Wagga and Wangaratta.
In addition to the usual sprint, middle, long distance and relay formats, the carnival will combine the Oceania Orienteering Championships with the Australian Championships long distance and relay events, and the Australian Schools Championships 2019. You’re invited to come and participate in the full range of events on offer while enjoying the sunshine, nature and culture (and more than the odd drop of wine at some of the best wineries) that Australia’s Riverina and Rutherglen regions have to offer. Links to some of the attractions of the region are attached below to help you start planning your O-tinerary now.
Keep an eye on this website for more details over coming months, but in the meantime plan to hit the road to Australia’s green heartland, enjoy the wide blue skies and experience Orienteering The Olympic Way.
For Schools/Riverina Run course comparison information look here.
Bulletin 3
22 Sep 2019
Details of important changes made to Bulletin 2 on 22 Sep 19 plus additional terrain notes
Bulletin 2
Updated 22 Sep 2019
Comprehensive information about the carnival and each day’s events
Bulletin 1
See Eventor
We won’t be providing a full hard copy of the bulletins at the event, but every competitor will receive an A3 one page summary showing the directions, arena layout and course/class lists for every event.
Entries closed - EOD Available
Enter on the day (EOD) arrangements available here.
The following embargoes are currently in place:
- Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga campus [until 6 Oct 2019]
- Gardiners Lookout/Winona [until 6 Oct 2019]
- Connorton, Pomingalarna and Kildare Catholic College [until 6 Oct 2019]
- The whole of the existing Kangaroo Crossing map as well as adjoining bush land to the east and north. This includes bushland to the south of Woolshed Rd and bushland on either side of Masons Road [until 6 Oct 2019]
- The Barambogie South map. This includes areas bounded by Barambogie Road, East Triangle Rd, Mt Barambogie Rd and Settlers Track [until 6 Oct 2019]
- Beechworth: area directly north of Beechworth for 3km between the Wodonga road and easterly to Greenwattle Road and the Mountain bike park [until 6 Oct 2019]