Event 4 – Australian Schools Championships Sprint Distance & Riverina Run Day 1 Sprint Distance

1 October 2019

Location: Wagga Wagga

Map: Kildare College, Wagga Wagga 1:2 000, 2m contours

Terrain: Typical high school campus with some multi-level buildings, mapped to the primary running level.

  • Fixed bench seats have been mapped using the passable wall symbol.
  • Hydrants have been mapped using a blue cross.

Travel directions and parking

The school is located in Coleman Street Wagga Wagga, but is separated from the A20 highway running through the city by a deep railway cutting.

Parking will be available along or near Coleman Street.

Registration and start

Note: Schools entry on Eventor is for team managers only. Do not enter individual school participants.

Registration: will be open for Riverina Run from 8.30 am. EOD registration closure time TBC. 

Start: there is one start near the Arena

Course information

Event 4a = Schools Sprint Championships

Event 4b = Riverina Run – Sprint Distance

Course format: Sprint

Course lengths: Courses are being structured to achieve winning times in accordance with Orienteering Australia sprint distance rules.


For Schools events courses will be classed as: 

Senior Boys, Senior Girls, Junior Boys, Junior Girls

For Riverina Run public events courses will be classed as:

CourseDegree of 
Riverina Run
Provisional Course Lengths (km)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Relay Length*
1HardMen A, Women ASenior Boys2.66.35.1
2HardMen B, Women BSenior Girls2.35.34.4
3HardMen C, Women C
4ModerateMen D, Women DJunior Boys1.75.04.0
5ModerateMen E, Women EJunior Girls1.63.83.6

Open Easy or
Men F, Women F
7Very EasyOpen Very Easy or
Men G, Women G