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Winter Classics Wrapup

2017 Wildfire Sports Ultralong: National League # 11: ACT League # 9

Ideal conditions for the National Orienteering League Wildfire Sports Ultra Long with a sunny 9 degrees at 11am for the first of the starts, warming up to 14 degrees at 1pm. Each age class had a mass start heading straight into the granite country on The Gib hill near Bungendore. The elites had multiple map changes with a drink station set up in the change over area. Simon Uppill was in scintillating form, clocking 5 mins per km on his first loop. The steep rocky northern and western slopes were relatively slow going with the rest of the map conducive to speed.

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Drone footage of the mass starts, thanks to Code Cadets


2017 Wildfire Sports Galaxy: National League # 12: ACT League # 10

Clever course setting by Jason McCrae using pivot controls, map change overs and good use of the several complex erosion gully systems. A top spectator event with 3 map loops. The weather was less kind than the previous day: 9 degrees at 10am with a wind chill temp of 2. Masters and junior competitors still out on the course at 11.30am endured a shower of rain which preceded a heavier fall after midday including sleet and snow.

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NOL Milestone

Blair Trewin achieves an historic 300th run in the National Orienteering League.

Canberra Times Article