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Nominations Called for 2025 ACT Schools Team

The OACT Board is calling for nominations from any interested ACT Juniors who are eligible for selection in the 202 ACT ASOC team, to compete in the Australian Schools Orienteering Championships, held in conjunction with the Australian Orienteering Championships, in Brisbane Qld from 27 September to 5 October 2024.

A series of selection trials will be held within the March-June period. Further details of eligibility criteria, team selection commitments, other relevant information, and the team nomination form are available in the ACT ASOC trials information document.

Selection Trials

  • Selection Trial 1: ACT Sprint Championships, National Botanic Gardens, Sunday 16 March
  • Selection Trial 2: ACT Classic Series: ACT League #4, Tidbinbilla, Sunday 18 May
  • Selection Trial 3: ACT Classic Series: Jim Sawkins Handicap AL#5, Saturday 31 May
  • Selection Trial 4: ACT Classic Series: ACT League #6: Picaree Hill, Sunday 22 June


Nominate for selection by completing the attached form and email it to the Orienteering ACT Office ().

Nominations should be submitted by Thursday 27 February, however late nominations may still be accepted after this date.