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The Buzz – Bushflyers News September 2024


With the winter (AL) season and the Junior League almost completed, and the ACT Championships (Middle and Long) held only a couple of weeks ago, a number of us are looking forward to the Australian Championships in Armidale, NSW, only a few weeks away, and then to the coming Twilight season for us all.

We have been fortunate to have enjoyed a very full program of orienteering this year, including the regular Metro, Classic and Mid-Week series and the MapRun Street Orienteering series.

Championship Events – ACT

Since the publication of the last newsletter in June, we have had many Bushflyers competing in the ACT Championships. As well, it was a Bushflyers team who organised and presented the ACT Middle Distance Championship. Thank you especially to Toby Lang, the course-setter, and Ross Stewart, the Controller, who made my job of organiser so easy. We had a great turnout of helpers on the day for the parking management, assembly area set-up, Start management, computer management, first aid roster, baking, and control collection.

Thank you to you all: Chris A, Kelvin M, Silke S, Greg T, Jo H, Andrew H, Justine H, Alison I, Peter M, Natalie M, Coral D, Susan B, Ken M, Josh M, Jesse P, Ari P, Craig J, Max J, Carol H

  • ACT Middle Championships, 24 August, Wild Deer Sands. Results included:
    1. David Stocks (M21A); Natalie Miller (W20A); Valerie Barker (W70A); Ian de Jongh (M21AS); David Jenkins (M65AS); Nina Davis (W21AS)
    2. Paul de Jongh (M21A); Matty Maundrell (M16A); Chris Andersen (M60A); Justine Hobson (W21A); Alan Sergeant (M65AS)
    3. David Penton (M40A); Blair Trewin (M50A); Ari Piiroinen (M60A); Naomi Penton (W14A); Coral Dow (W65AS)
  • ACT Long Championships, 25 August, Birkenburn. Results included:
    1. Paul de Jongh (M21A); Natalie Miller (W20A); Naomi Penton (W14A); Valerie Barker (W70A); Ian de Jongh (M21AS); Alan Sergeant (M65AS)
    2. David Stocks (M21A); Matt Stocks (M50A); Ross Stewart (M60A); Justine Hobson (W20A); Jesse Piiroinen (M21AS)
    3. Alison Inglis (W50A)

Well done to all participants and to all place-getters.


In June we were very pleased to acknowledge the several young orienteers who were selected to represent Australia in international competition this year, including JWOC, WOC, WUOC and the World Cup.
Bushflyers included in the various teams were Caitlin Young, David Stocks, Justine Hobson, and Natalie Miller.

A number of those of us at home were able to tune into the live broadcasts of these events, especially JWOC and WOC, to cheer our club-mates on. These broadcasts are always so exciting to watch! And then, of course, many of these orienteers (both representatives and family members) enjoyed the wonderful experiences of major European competitions, such as Jukolala and Venla (huge Finnish relays with thousands of competitors), O-Ringen, and the Welsh 5-Days. I know that all of the representatives are very keen to share their experiences and show you their maps, often of terrain so very different from anything we have here in Australia. Do ask!

The ACT team to compete in the Australian Schools Orienteering Championships (ASOC) in Armidale NSW (28 September to 6 October) was also recently announced.
Congratulations to the following young Bushflyers in the team:

  • Senior Girls – Katherine Maundrell
  • Senior Boys – Max Johnson, Josh Mansell
  • Junior Girls – Naomi Penton
  • Junior Boys – Ben Mansell, Matthew Maundrell, Patrick Maundrell

Places in the ASOC team are keenly sought, and it is exciting to note that we have so many Bushflyers, in all age classes.
We also acknowledge and thank the team officials, especially those who are Bushflyers: Ken Mansell (Manager) and David Stocks (Coach).

Bushflyers Events

Bushflyers have been organising and presenting a number of events over the past few months, in both the Metro and AL (Classic) series.

Thank you very much to the following club members for setting courses and organising the events, and also to their teams of helpers who set up and pack up the event, manage the registration desk, and especially assist with control collection.

It has been encouraging to note a number of our newer members enthusiastically taking on critical organisational roles as well.

  • Metro Series: Junior League #5, Saturday 22 June, The Pinnacle
    Course Planner – Peter Antcliff
    Organisers – ???
  • Metro Series: Junior League #8, Saturday 3 August, Remembrance Park
    Course Planner – Kelvin Meng/Alison Inglis
    Organiser – David Penton
  • Metro Series: Junior League #11, Saturday 31 August, Farrer Ridge
    Course Planner – Naomi Penton/David Penton
    Organisers – Chris Andersen
  • ACT Middle Distance Championships, ACT League #11, Saturday 24 August, Wild Deer Sands
    Thank you all!

Coming Events

Australian Orienteering Championships (AOC) & Australian Schools Orienteering Championships (ASOC) 28 September – 6 October, Armidale, NSW

Note that entries are now closed.

After the time and cost of travelling to WA last year, many of us are finding it much easier to travel to Armidale for this year’s Australian Championships.

At present at least 31 Bushflyers have entered, across a range of different classes including the ASOC events. I am really looking forward to going to Armidale again – it’s a long while since I was there. I shall have the Bushflyers flag with me, so that will make it easier for us to catch up at the various events, especially at those wonderfully exciting ASOC events, to cheer everyone on! Do join us all.

We wish all competitors, at whatever level of competition, good luck, clean runs, wonderful orienteering experiences, and opportunities to renew and develop friendships with our interstate and international competitors.

ACT Secondary Schools Championships 14 September

MTBO Carnival and Championships 18-20 October

Club events in the next few months

You will notice that on the OACT website and in Eventor that Bushflyers are responsible for the following events scheduled in the 2024/2025 Twilight season.

  • Twilight #3, Cooleman Ridge, 13 November 2024
  • Twilight #4, Remembrance Park, 20 November 2024
  • Twilight #5, Bruce Ridge, 27 November 2024
  • Twilight #8, TBC, 5 February 2025
  • Twilight #13, Commonwealth Park, 12 March 2025

Yes, getting those three November events in a row was a deliberate strategy by our Event Planning committee representatives!

Before too long you will receive a request from Jo Hobson for your assistance with the events in the 2023/2024 Twilight Series. We are sure that course setters, organisers and controllers/vetters will all be needed. Don’t worry if you haven’t taken on any of these roles before as we have lots of people who would be happy to help you out with the practicalities. Watch for Jo’s email, and consider how you might be able to support our club.

Bushflyers Finances

This time last year, I spoke to you about Bushflyers finances – we had done a great deal of spending to support members, and national and international representatives, and our funds had dropped to a very low level. However, given the level of tithes we received from 2023 events, we have been able to continue to support all of our national and international representatives this year. Those competing in Europe each received sponsorship of $350 and our ASOC representatives will be receiving $100. This is less than in previous years, but we also acknowledge that as we are within driving distance of the ASOC/AOC events, individual costs are considerably lower than they were last year, for example. Our occasional Swarms and get-togethers have been self-catered, with everyone contributing to the food, which has also helped to bring down costs. Given that OACT took on a Bunnings BBQ in February, it was decided that Bushflyers could not pursue that source of revenue again.

I am confident that we remain on a sound financial footing, and that the hard work of all of us, in presenting events hence generating tithes, is being well paid back to our Bushflyers community.

Birthday Celebrations!

Happy 90th Birthday to one of our Bushflyers elders, Eino Meuronen
Eino will be enjoying special celebrations on 21st September – his actual birthday is 19th September.
Eino is no longer orienteering, but he remains a special member of the greater Bushflyers community. We all wish Eino much happiness on this special occasion, and good health and contentment in the coming years.

Transition Swarm – Saturday 26th October – Save the Date!

As we move from the winter season to the summer season, and the change to Daylight Saving time, it seems that a celebratory swarm should be on the calendar! This will mark the transition from Valerie’s successful tenure to Craig (Johnson).

Craig, our new convenor, has offered to host this, from 5pm onwards, Saturday 26th October, 2024. The suggestion is for people to bring either something to nibble, a salad, or a dessert, and Craig will provide pulled pork to complement the contributions. Craig has a pool that may be used if the weather has warmed up. Please put the date in your diary now.

Other news

  • Do you subscribe to the OACT weekly e-bulletin? What about the Orienteering Australia monthly e-bulletin? Find recent OA e-news, August 2024 here.
    I encourage you to subscribe to each of these bulletins, to enable you to keep up-to-date at both a local and a national level. They have so many links to interesting and inspiring articles, news items, YouTube videos, health and fitness advice…
  • Craig now holds the range of Bushflyers’ clothing (O-tops and jackets mostly) for sale. The range of sizes is becoming a little limited, but we will still be able to meet the needs of quite a few of our members. Please check with Craig if you would like wear our Club colours, especially if you are competing in major interstate events.

Keep safe; keep well; and keep moving!

Valerie Barker (outgoing Club Co-Convenor)

0410 151 554

Craig Johnson (incoming Club Co-Convenor)

0408 492 808

For Bushflyers Orienteering – where no-one gets left on the bench!