You are currently viewing Board Shorts 240 – December 2022

Board Shorts 240 – December 2022

At its final meeting for the year the OACT Board recently formally adopted Adoption National Integrity Framework (which had previously also been adopted by OA at the national level). NIF measures relate principally to child safeguarding, anti-doping/improper use of drugs, sports wagering, and member protection and complaints handling.

The Executive Officer reported on a diverse range of matters including:

  • New memberships are now loaded into the system. Phil will clarify who has Eventor administrator access, remove any no longer requiring it and remind those remaining of our (OA) data management policy.
  • Access to Canberra Nature Park – There has been no further from ACT Parks in relation to the promised draft management plan since a holding response received on 31 October. In the meantime Phil responded to the recent draft ACT Parks commercial user management policy document seeking clarification of the application of the policy to not-for-profit organisations.
  • Phil has approached Brindabella Business Park owners (Canberra Airport Group) about the possibility of mapping the precinct.
  • Bushflyers have proposed the cancelled Mugga Mugga event now be run in late March instead
  • Recurrent funding grant – ACT Sport & Rec are yet to confirm categorisation process for next year.
  • Members noted the OACT AGM must be held before end of April and 14 days notice is required. If it is held on 20 April all documentation would need to be ready before Easter. It could be earlier.
  • Schools selections – the Board considered dates for selection events, noting the desirability of telegraphing these well in advance of ASOC in September 2023. Members agree the events should be 13 May (Mt Taylor), 4 June (AL), 25 June (Sprint Champs), 16 July (Ainslie/Majura). Ideally we should also look for an event in granite terrain as good preparation for AusChamps in WA. EOI for schools coach and manager/s to be called for early in the new year.
  • OA workshops – a workshop had now endorsed the revised OA constitution to be put to the next AGM. OA revenue has decreased for 2022 as a result of so many events being cancelled in 2021. OA proposed increasing levies to recoup its deficit, but has now agreed not do this until 2024. The Moira Whiteside bequest was originally established for Aus Champs only, but a new steering committee has agreed with her family that it can now be extended to other national championships, including Easter, and both foot and mountain bike events.
    Members also noted the following feedback from the recent OA Technical workshop – Much of what was discussed will come in in 2023, however will not affect Easter planning. Equalising winning times is not due for implementation until 2024. Of note also was the mapping discussion, so OACT will need to formalise some sort of mapping committee. Members noted OACT is due to host National events in 2023, 2026 and 2029.

The Treasurer has prepared a draft budget for next year and the forward years, allowing us to start to factor in potential changes in such items as OA levies and recurrent grant funding. For further consideration at the next meeting once further refined.

Easter 2023 Update – Stephen reported the website has gone live and entries are open. Bulletin 1 has been published after input from the IOF WRE Senior Event Adviser. There is to be a site visit to the Day 1 and 2 event area before Christmas. Approvals are still being sought for the Prologue event at the proposed ACT venue.

Development Officer’s report – members noted the report provided by Toni, including in relation to FOG, FOB, TrakOTack and Urban Polaris.

In other business Members noted:

  • ACT Sport & Rec update – Valerie attended the recent CEO Forum on behalf of OACT. Speakers included the Minister and a representative of the Australian Sports Foundation. An Infrastructure survey is to be released for 3 months of feedback to identify priorities. The ACT Government will also shortly release a ‘State of Play’ report.
  • SC-ORE – Susanne confirmed that 3 of 4 schools have confirmed for Autumn 2023. David Stocks has agreed to set the courses.
  • Summer short course – Maurice reported this series is progressing well with between 70 and 90 participants per event so far.

The Board will next meet on 30 January 2023.