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The Buzz – Bushflyers News March 2022


It is hard to believe that we are now well into March, with the end of the first school term and the Easter holidays not too far away. Like me, you are probably wondering just where this first part of the year has disappeared to.

It is very appropriate to welcome new and returning members who have recently joined us:

  • Paul and Susan Archer
  • Judith Colman
  • Owen Gilchrist
  • Brigitta Hembrow Gersey and Robert Hembrow
  • Adele, Andrew, Daphne and Jasper Loughhead
  • Caitlin and Cam McLaren
  • Cassandra Proudfoot
  • Andrew, Petrina and Bernadette Shipton

We are now at the stage of the year where, having completed the Twilight series at the end of February, we are looking ahead to the new season’s series starting again. Of course we still have the Street-O series, using its MapRun hybrid format running almost continuously through the year.

Even though the ACT is still managing persistently high COVID case numbers, it is reassuring that we are able to conduct all of our events safely and effectively, and that we can look ahead to major events both at home and nationally – even internationally – in a more hopeful manner than we might have last year. While this is important for all of us, we all know that our juniors have had particularly difficult challenges over the past two years, and it is exciting to see them with more confidence as they set their goals for this year.


Whether you are a continuing or a new member, please know that we look forward to a long association with you and your family. Please do not hesitate to seek the support of any Club members, especially if you are new to the sport, perhaps as a parent supporting a child. You are encouraged to make yourselves known to us, and you are welcome to offer your support with the organisation of any event. This is a great way to get to know people, and to make sense of the way orienteering functions, both here in the ACT and further afield.

Bushflyers Events

Bushflyers have been organising and presenting a number of events over the past few months, particularly in the Twilight series.
Thank you very much to the following club members and their teams of helpers.

  • Twilight #9, Wednesday 2 February, Campbell Parklands
    Course Planner – Ryan Stocks
    Organisers – Valerie Barker, Stocks family
  • Twilight #13, Wednesday 2 March, Narrabundah Hill
    Course Planner – Ari Piiroinen
    Organiser – Ari Piiroinen

It was disappointing to note that the AL #1 event at Castle Hill, scheduled for Sunday 6 March, had to be postponed. Be assured that this will be held later in the year. Thank you to Ross Stewart (Course Planner) and Matt Stocks (Controller/Organiser) for all of their preparatory work.

Thank you to Matt Stocks for the role he plays in the team which coordinates the ACT program, and in preparing and managing the Bushflyers roster.

You should have recently received a request from Matt for your assistance in several events scheduled in the event calendar.
In particular, Bushflyers are responsible for:

  • Junior League #1, Weston Park 29 April
  • Junior League #5, Bruce Ridge, 27 May
  • Junior League, The Pinnacle, 24 June
  • Junior League, Remembrance Park, 5 August
  • ACT League #10, Stringybark Hill

As I write, course setters, organisers and controllers/vetters are all needed.
If you have recently indicated to Matt Stocks your interest in taking on a role for any of these events, thank you!!

  • ACT Championships ACT League 313, NSW #13, Tidbinbilla 21 August
    This event is rescheduled from 2021, when it was cancelled due to COVID restrictions. The Miller family is course setting and Chris Anderson is the organiser.

Now is your chance! If you are keen to course set or organise any of these events, or would like to be mentored in any of these processes, please let Matt know. Contact him on .

Events – ACT and Interstate/National

  • A number of Bushflyers participated in the Xmas 5-Days in the Southern Highlands, and a small number, mostly elites (seniors and juniors), enjoyed a full weekend of competition in the Melbourne Sprint Weekend over the recent long weekend, 12-14 March.

  • Easter 2022 Orienteering Carnival (15 – 24 April), including the Australian 3 Days (15-18 April), Kingaroy/Gold Coast, Queensland.

    At this stage, mid-March, it seems that there will be almost 20 Bushflyers heading north, including 7 members of the Canberra Cockatoos (senior and junior), competing in the M/W21E and M/W20E events.

    While the events are important to all of us, no matter the level at which we are competing, they are especially important as significant selection events for WOC (Denmark) and JWOC (Portugal), and also for other international events, such as World Games (USA), WUOC (World University Orienteering Champs) (Switzerland), and three rounds of the World Cup. (Other selection events include the Melbourne Sprint Weekend and forthcoming NOL races too).

    We have several of our club members, especially juniors, trying out for selection in national teams for these prestigious events. Our best wishes go to them all for injury-free training and successful competition at Easter.
  • ACT events
    • Sunday 27th March, ACT Classic Series Relays Mugga Mugga
    • Saturday 2nd April, 2022 Wildfire Sports: NOL#4, AL#1
    • Sunday 3rd April, 2022 Wildfire Sports: NOL#5, AL#2

Have you entered in these? While the NOL events may seem a little daunting to our newer orienteers, and will certainly attract a bigger field of orienteers than usual, always remember that we can choose a class to compete in which best suits our experience and confidence. For many of us, the aim of taking part is not only to challenge ourselves but also to enjoy ourselves at the same time!

  • QBIII 11-13 June, Wagga Wagga. Entries are now open for these events, which this year include both NSW and ACT state league events. More quality orienteering is guaranteed, with events less than three hours from the ACT.
  • The Street Series continues to attract a number of Bushflyers, many of whom are participating in the current MapRun series of events. This will be completed at the end of March, and will soon be followed by the Winter Street-O series.
  • The Junior (Metro) League begins on Saturday 29 April, at the end of Week 1, Term 2.
  • Do you subscribe to the OACT weekly e-bulletin? What about the Orienteering Australia monthly e-bulletin? Find the latest OA e-news (February) here.
    I encourage you to subscribe to each of these bulletins, to enable you to keep up-to-date at both a local and a national level. They have so many links to interesting and inspiring articles, news items, YouTube videos, health and fitness advice…
  • With major championship events ahead of us in 2022, and the possibility of more interstate travel, it is timely to remind you that I have a range of Bushflyers’ clothing (O-tops and jackets mostly) for sale. I was able to order new stock last year and there is now a good range of sizes available, for both adults and children. Please check with me if you would like wear our Club colours.


It is disappointing that we have not yet been able to have a club get-together this year, and to acknowledge successes, contributions and the rather more unusual competition experiences that some of us have had!

However, I am very pleased to announce the following recipients of OA Merit Badges in 2021.

The Orienteering Australia Badge Scheme recognises the achievements of a consistent orienteering standard relative to one’s age-group peers.
The standard attained is recognised through a Gold, Silver or Bronze Badge. The year in which the badge qualification is achieved and the orienteer’s age-group are included on the badge.
Orienteers qualify for an OA Merit Badge by earning three credits at specific events within a two year period. The two year period commences on the date of the event at which the first credit is earned.
Gold Credits are awarded to finishers in E and A Classes whose times are within the Winners time x 1.25.
Silver Credits are awarded to finishers in E, A and AS Classes whose times are within the Winners time x 1.50.
Bronze Credits are awarded to finishers in E, A, AS and B classes whose times are within the Winners time x 2.00.

For further information, go to
  • Valerie Barker, W70, Gold
  • Jane Barnett, W60, Silver
  • Paul De Jongh, M21, Silver
  • Carol Harding, W60, Silver
  • Andrew Hobson, M45, Silver
  • Jo Hobson, W50, Silver
  • Justine Hobson, W18, Gold
  • Alison Inglis, W50, Bronze
  • David Jenkins, M60, Silver
  • Andrew Johnson, M50, Bronze
  • Ellen Johnson, W20, Silver
  • Toby Lang, M20, Silver
  • Natalie Miller, W20, Gold
  • Patrick Miller, M21, Gold
  • Peter Miller, M50, Bronze
  • Tristan Miller, M20, Gold
  • David Poland, M60, Gold
  • Alan Sargeant, M70, Bronze
  • Silke Speier, W45, Silver
  • Chris Stocks, W50, Bronze
  • David Stocks, M20, Gold
  • Matthew Stocks, M50, Gold
  • Ryan Stocks, M21, Gold
  • Greg Wilson, M50, Bronze
  • Joseph Wilson, M20, Silver

Did you know…

Bushflyers has a Facebook page. “Like” our page and keep up to date with what’s happening in our club.

Keep safe; keep well; keep moving; and keep apart!

Valerie Barker (Club Convenor)

6251 5459 / 0410 151 554

For Bushflyers Orienteering – where no-one gets left on the bench!