Organisation Overview

Orienteering ACT (OACT) is an Incorporated Association under the ACT Associations Incorporations Act 1991. The purpose of OACT is to promote and conduct orienteering events in the ACT and surrounding areas of NSW.

OACT is affiliated with Orienteering Australia, along with the six other state based orienteering associations.

OACT is an association of members and is administered by the OACT Board. Members elect to belong to one of five orienteering clubs that are part of the association: Abominable O-Men, Bushflyers, Parawanga, Red Roos and Weston Emus. OACT relies on the clubs to conduct orienteering events on its behalf, so an important role of the clubs is to develop a social network of their volunteer members, who not only enjoy their orienteering but are also willing to help with all aspects of event organisation.

When clubs organize orienteering events, the three main jobs are the course setter, the event organizer and controller. In addition club members help at setting up for the event, manning the registration table and computer, and packing up afterwards.

Because the clubs themselves are not incorporated, OACT is the legal entity that conducts orienteering events for OACT.

Incorporation & ABN

Incorporated Association Number: A00509 dated 8 July 1977

Orienteering ACT Inc, ABN: 13 411 591 285

Download Certificate of Incorporation


View the current OACT Constitution: Constitution of Orienteering ACT Incorporated (May 2022), also available in PDF format.
Download Previous OACT Constitution here.
Download a short history of the OACT Constitution here.


OACT is party to Orienteering Australia’s public liability insurance for $20 million and professional indemnity for $2 million. This insurance cover is held with Sportscover Australia Pty Ltd and is renewed in December each year. The certificate can be downloaded from the Orienteering Australia website.  

Certificate of Currency Insurance Downloads on Orienteering Australia website

This insurance does not cover personal injury suffered by a competitor during an orienteering event. Competitors take part in an orienteering event at their own risk.

National Integrity Framework

In 2022, Orienteering Australia and member State Organisations including Orienteering ACT signed up to the National Integrity Framework (NIF), which is a suite of integrity policies developed by Sport Integrity Australia, and an independent complaint handling process. The NIF includes things like illicit drug use, doping, competition manipulation and behaviours that impact people’s positive experience of sport, such as discrimination or abuse. 

For further information on the NIF refer to Integrity | Orienteering Australia.

Annual General Meeting & Governance

The OACT Board—consisting of president, secretary, treasurer and up to 8 directors—is responsible for the day to day running of OACT. The Board is elected at the Annual General Meeting of the association, held on the last Thursday in February each year. An Executive Director is appointed by the Board as an ex officio member of the Board. The OACT Board meets about 8 times each year usually on a Monday evening at a board member’s home.

Regulatory and Behaviour

Orienteering is a recognized sport and OACT receives some government funding from ACT Sport and Recreation Services. Therefore OACT must comply with various requirements. These include:

  1. Gender Equity Policy. OACT adopts the Orienteering Australia (OA) gender equity policy as described at Section 1.15 of the OA Operational Manual.
  2. Risk Management Policy. OACT adopts the Orienteering Australia risk management policy as described at Section 1.17 of the OA Operational Manual.
  3. Member Protection Policy. OACT adopts the Orienteering Australia member protection policy which is detailed in Section 1.18 of the OA Operational Manual.
  4. Privacy Policy. OACT adopts the Orienteering Australia privacy policy as described at Section 1.19 of the OA Operational Manual.
  5. National Junior Sport Policy. OACT adopts the Orienteering Australia junior sport policy as described at Section 3.4 of the OA Operational Manual.
  6. Requirements for accredited officials and coaches. OACT adopts the policy and procedures as adopted by Orienteering Australia and described in Section 4 of the OA Operational Manual.
  7. Anti Doping Policy. OACT adopts the Orienteering Australia anti doping policy as described at Section 5.12 of the OA Operational Manual.
  8. Strategic and Operation Plans. OACT maintains these plans.

The OA Operational Manual can be accessed at the Orienteering Australia (OA) website. OA Operation Manual


The main social function of OACT is the End of Year dinner held in November. At this function, awards are presented to the various prize winners. For past recipients, see Awards.

These awards are:

  1. The Mike Cassells Award for Services to Orienteering
  2. The Jim Sawkins Award for Services to Event Management
  3. The Coaching Award
  4. Orienteer of the Year and Winner of the Wehner Cup
  5. Southern Cross Interclub Shield
  6. Age class awards
  7. Audun Fristad Junior Encouragement Awards.


The main orienteering competitions conducted by OACT are:

  1. The OACT League competition, based on results in the OACT League program, which are mostly the Sunday events, leading to the Orienteer of the Year award;
  2. The Runners Shop Twilight competition, based on results in the Twilight series; and
  3. The Junior League, based on results achieved by juniors in the Saturday Metro program.

Strategic Plan

Download the OACT Strategic Plan 2025-2030 (Edition 25 Mar 24). 250325 OACT Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Download the OACT Strategic Plan 2021-2024 (Edition 14 Dec 20). 141220 OACT Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Download the OACT Strategic Plan 2017-2020 (Edition 21 Aug 16). 160821 OACT Strategic Plan 2017-2020

Annual Reports & Financial Statements

Annual reports including financial statements can be viewed here: Annual Reports.


If you would like to make a donation to Orienteering ACT, you can make a tax deductible donation here: 

Tax deductible donations can also be made to the following Orienteering Australia elite representative teams: