At its first meeting for 2025 the OACT Board reviewed progress with the strategic plan process that has been led by Gavin Macdonald using Sport & Rec funding. Gavin submitted a draft plan following all members’ inputs to the December workshops. Phil and Susanne reviewed it to try to tighten some of the loosely described concepts and actions and ensure there is a focus across all participants – junior and adult, beginner and advanced. The test for us will be whether the identified strategies and actions are realistically achievable with existing personnel and resources. Two key aspects not yet resolved are: how we might best approach the concept of sponsorship as a revenue stream diversification strategy; and how best to continuously recognise our volunteers.
The President reported that management of our finances has improved across the year, but we still do not have a strategic budget setting process and organisational risk register. In an ideal world the audit and risk committee should sit at arms length from the Board. Members agreed to approach a couple of key individuals about establishing an audit and risk committee. Susanne noted that her three year term is coming to an end at the AGM. Most existing Board members are willing to be renominated, but any other association members are encouraged to apply.
The Treasurer confirmed he has commenced the annual audit process. He and the EO will look into establishing a budget within Quickbooks for 2025. ASOC managers have requested funding for new uniforms to complement existing stocks. The Board generally supports purchase, but Susanne will clarify how much of that really needs to be spent this year.
The Executive Officer has analysed event and participation numbers. The data shows we staged more events than ever last year, but our participation numbers have stayed level at a ‘new post-COVID normal’ rate of approximately 9000 per annum. Twilight participations are decreasing, but season passes are staying level. Phil reported we have not yet heard the outcome of our grant applications for drone and MeshO projects, but in the meantime he has approached ACT Parks about the issue of using drones in parks. Their reply has been to invite us to seek approval to operate a ‘motor vehicle’ in the areas, which in due course will be considered by the conservator. For the AGM Phil has prepared a timetable for finalisation of the report in time for notice to be given to members as required by the constitution. The Board noted that Weston Emus is not seeking to be recognised as a club again for next year. Phil will report to the AGM that future asset registration and depreciation will be managed off-budget as recommended by the auditor.
In relation to events the Board noted:
- The next meeting of the Event Planning Sub-Committee will be mid-March to look at the program for Oct 25 – Mar 26
- MTBO maps should ultimately be regarded as a cost neutral exercise, but is open to starting with an initial budget allocation per annum, with any surplus able to be rolled over. The Board’s initial preference is that MTBO mapping should be a component of the mapping sub-committee, with a MTBO member invited to join.
- noted the Summer Sprint is being set by juniors and progressing well
- SCORE schools are locked in and entries have opened
- L2O dates locked in and entry fees set
- The Twilight series is about to kick off
- In the bulletin this week there will be requests for nominations for officials for Blue Lightning and ASOC. There will also be advance notice for participants wishing to considered for ASOC selection.
- Nominations have been coming in for OACT annual awards to be awarded at the event on 12 March.
In other business the Board noted:
- A QR code-based digital entry process for EOD is being trialled which includes electing to rent an SI stick. The Board agreed the existing process of current members being required to pay non-member rates if they EOD should continue to apply to the new process. The Board debated the merits of going cashless and on balance agreed to trial that approach for the twilight series. Dates and times for closing online entries to be: 5pm Saturday for Sunday sprints (remain at 3pm Wednesday for Twilight), with no late fee but only EOD at the non-member rates.
- There was very favourable feedback from the National Junior Training Camp 2024. The Board expressed a strong vote of thanks to Michael Radajewski and his large team of volunteers for running an excellent carnival. The sessions run by Toni Brown/Bold Horizons/Goldseekers were also well received.
- Susanne sent in comments on behalf of OACT concerning ASOC rules changes which were supported by various other States.
- Middle and Long Distance Champs fees (for Cooma and Nimmitabel respectively) have been set. Organisers have asked whether EOD could be permitted for genuine local newcomers. The Board agreed this should be the controller’s responsibility, but the fee should be a flat rate of $30 per person.
- Coach-in-residence applications have been received from two applicants, one from Italy and one from Denmark. On the whole in the past the more proficient athletes have been more effective community coaches in terms of attracting local participants to training. Members agreed in principle to appointing two coaches, with the two already interviewed being acceptable subject to referee checks.
Next meetings: Mon 24 Mar 2025; AGM to be held on 10 April at Jamison Southern Cross Club