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Tax Deductible Donations Can Now Be Made to Support the 2023 ACT ASOC Team

You now have the opportunity to gain a tax deduction and at the same time provide support for the ACT Team to attend the 2023 Australian Schools Orienteering Championship to be held in early October in Western Australia.

Donations can be made through the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) website to the ACT Orienteering Development Fund. Donate at ACT Orienteering Development Fund – Australian Sports Foundation ( All donations received from now up until the end October 2023 will go towards reducing the costs to be paid by the families of athletes selected to represent OACT at the 2023 ASOC. The ASF is a reputable organisation used by many sporting organisations to raise funds through tax deductible donations. ASF charges a small administration fee of up to 5% of the money donated.