Techniques for sprinting with a focus: map to ground navigation and learning/reaffirming the important elements of sprint orienteering – rules and out of bounds/route choice/map detail guided the first session of Pre-Christmas training.
The afternoon was then dominated by drenching downpour and cracking thunder (with a focus on change of direction, map symbols and control descriptions plus map management (holding/folding) for accurate reading.
Wednesday offered up a true European orienteering experience with our forest shrouded in mist and the rain in bucket loads!
Still the training went on focusing on visualisation, map memory, and fabulous features – watercourse junctions small and large, high points, pits! And not a hesitation from any participants young or old!!
Pre-Christmas training days reached 24 participants over the 2 days, including parents and support people.
A terrific mob of beginners and developing orienteers, as well as some very experienced navigators.
Lots learned by all, plenty of new friendships forged and leaps in learning!!
A huge thanks to Goldseeker mum Anna and to SHOO mum Ruth for assisting with supporting our up and coming juniors.