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Spring SC-ORE School Orienteering 2023

Spring SC-ORE 2023 is now over after four wonderful events at Hawker PS, Blue Gum PS, Haig Park and Aranda PS respectively. There were twenty-one teams with 82 students from 8 primary schools and home educated starting the day with navigation and running before school.

It has been great to see so many children enthusiastically taking on the orienteering challenges each week, many of them for the very first time. Haig Park was especially tricky with its lack of a major school buildings to navigate around. Instead there were trees, trees and trees wherever we looked. Still, the children mastered the challenges and did really well.

Thank you again all children for your energy and enthusiasm, parent helpers for your time, support and positive attitude, all OACT volunteers for being such a positive and reliable team and our host schools Hawker Primary, Blue Gum Primary and Aranda Primary for your assistance and positive & welcoming attitude. A special thank you to Aranda PS for – with short notice – offering to host the last event.

Well done to all the SC-ORE teams and a special congratulation to the top three place getters:

  • 1st Chapman Primary School: Naomi Penton, Harrison Costin, Riley Maier and Eila Streeton
  • 2nd North Ainslie: Nima Cooper, Isoa Chan, Fox Liddy van Reyk and Harriet Williamson
  • 3rd Aranda: Meg Fitzgibbon, Veronika Iskhakova, Layla Dent and Banjo Bluett-Jones

Photos from the series can be found on PhotosbyTom’s Facebook page.

Autumn SC-ORE 2024 will be held southside, and Entries will open in the beginning of January. Keep an eye on your email and on OACT’s website for details.

We hope that SC-ORE has sparked an interest in orienteering and that we will see many SC-ORE participants at our events in a near future.