Entries for the 2022 Wildfire Sports Autumn Classics, which are National League and ACT
League events, and which will be staged over the weekend of 2-3 April 2022, are now open.
Wildfire Sports Sponsorship

Wildfire Sports will sponsor the 2022 NOL season.
Sponsorship details will be provided at a later date.
SportIdent Air+ (SIAC)
All events will be full SIAC events and competitors wishing to use SIAC sticks need to either have their own SIAC stick or hire one for $5.00 per day, available as a Service during the entry process.
Special Features for these events
Although these events are not Championships, both will be badge qualifying events to make up somewhat for the lack of ACT Middle and Long Championships in 2021. Also, all competitors on Hard courses will be included in a competition, the 2022 Autumn Challenge, to ascertain the top three competitors over the two days, as determined by Orienteering ACT age/gender handicap factors. Orienteering ACT will acquire suitable mementos to recognise the achievements of the top competitors. The presentation of the mementos will be made at an appropriate time after the event, as it will not be possible to calculate the scores after the results for Day 2 have been confirmed and before most competitors have departed.
Sport Class to be trialled at NOL Round 2
In both women and men, open (21 and over) and juniors, there will be an “elite class” (which exists at the moment) and a “sport class”. The Sport class replaces the A class used previously and brings it into the NOL competition.
The Sport class is designed for competitive orienteers who may have other priorities than just the goal of elite racing on the international level. The sport classes will be approximately 80% of the distance of their corresponding elite class, will be hard navigation and will score points (albeit a reduced amount compared to the elite class). This means that there will be 8 NOL scoring classes on offer at NOL Round 2. The teams competition for each category (e.g. Open Men) will combine scores from both the elite and sport class, with the 3 top scorers from each state being counted.
For more details please see the document on the OA website at: https://orienteering.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/NOL-2022-Guidelines-Update-Division-Change-Trial.pdf
Contact Information
Website: http://act.orienteering.asn.au/events/
Enquiries/Contacts: 0429 398 794,
Event Director: Bob Mouatt
Saturday 2 April: Wildfire Sports Autumn Classics Day 1

2022 National Orienteering League # 4
2022 ACT League # 1
Organising Club: Parawanga
Event Controller: Ann & John Scown
Organiser: Sue Garr
Course Planner: Jon Glanville
Location: Gibraltar Hill, on Kings Hwy, just south-east of Bungendore NSW
Map: The Gib2022 (2013 – with minor revisions) Scale 1:10,000. 5m contours. First
mapped by Bob Allison and Hugh Moore 2012-2013. First used in 2013 for the Australian Middle Distance Championships. Subsequently used in 2014, 2017 and 2019 for ACT League events.
Terrain: The Gib is a large granite-covered ridge. The steeper western slopes and top of the ridge are covered in very detailed granite outcrops and large boulders. The eastern side is less steep with scattered rock outcrops and areas of erosion. The area has been grazed and has light forest cover with many open areas. Some areas are covered in native rushes and sedges disguising very rocky ground. There are also areas of fallen timber.
Event Format:
National League: This will be a standard middle distance format event, with the inclusion of the new classes, M21Sport, M20Sport, W21Sport, and W20Sport, which replace the previously used M21A, W21A, M20A and W20A. Competitors who would normally enter the A class should enter the equivalent Sport class. Other than completing their course as usual, nothing else is expected of competitors in Sport classes, but their result will be included in NOL scoring. See more above, under the heading, Sport Class to be trialled at NOL Round 2.
ACT League: This will be a standard middle distance format event for all competitors. See the comment in the National League paragraph above, about Sport classes replacing A classes.
National League: M21E, W21E, M20E, W20E, M21Sport, M20Sport, W21Sport, W20Sport.
ACT League Classes:
Men: M10, M12A, M14A, M16A, M35A, M40A, M45A, M50A, M55A, M60A, M65A, M70A, M75A, M80A, M85A, M90A; M95A.
Women: W10, W12A, W14A, W16A, W35A, W40A, W45A, W50A, W55A, W60A, W65A, W70A, W75A, W80A, W85A, W90A.
Other Classes: MJuniorB, MOpenB, WJuniorB, WOpenB, M/WOpenEasy, M/WOpenVeryEasy, M/W10Novice.
National League Classes: First starts from 2:00 pm, at scheduled two-minute intervals.
Other Classes: Starts from 12:30pm – 1:40 pm. Queued starts at two-minute intervals by course.
Course closure: 3:50 pm
Sunday 3 April: Wildfire Sports Autumn Classics Day 2

2022 National Orienteering League # 5
2022 ACT League # 2
Organising Club: Red Roos
Event Controller: Bill Jones
Organiser: Bob Mouatt
Course Planner: Rob Walter
Location: Birkenburn Farm, approximately 20 km east of Bungendore NSW, about five km, north of Kings Hwy.
Map: Birkenburn 2022. Scale: 1:15000 for courses 1 to 4, 1:10000 for courses 5-13,
5m contours. The area was first used, as The Sandhills, for the 1983 ACT Championships and since then has been used for numerous events including a long distance National League race in 2015 and the ACT Long Distance Championship in 2018. The 2022 map will be the 2018 version with minor revisions to take account of a new road and an area no longer being out of bounds.
Terrain: The competition area is typical gully/spur terrain dominated by a relatively steep ridge stretching north to south through the middle of the mapped area, with numerous subtle gullies on the western slopes. The terrain has many significant outcrops of rocks, areas of large fallen trees and many extensive sections of bracken in the flatter north.
Event Format:
National League: This will be a standard long distance format event, with the inclusion of the new classes, M21Sport, M20Sport, W21Sport, and W20Sport, which replace the previously used M21A, W21A, M20A and W20A. Competitors who would normally enter the A class should enter the equivalent Sport class. Other than completing their course as usual, nothing else is expected of competitors in Sport classes, but their result will be included in NOL scoring. See more above, under the heading, Sport Class to be trialed at NOL Round 2.
ACT League: This will be a standard long distance format event for all competitors. See the comment in the National League paragraph above, about Sport classes replacing A classes.
National League: M21E, W21E, M20E, W20E. M21Sport, M20Sport, W21Sport, W20Sport.
ACT League Classes
Men: M10, M12A, M14A, M16A, M35A, M40A, M45A, M50A, M55A, M60A, M65A, M70A, M75A, M80A, M85A, M90A; M95A, M35AS, M45AS, M55AS, M65AS.
Women: W10, W12A, W14A, W16A, W35A, W40A, W45A, W50A, W55A, W60A, W65A, W70A, W75A, W80A, W85A, W90A. W35AS, W45AS, W55AS, W65AS.
Other Classes: MJuniorB, MOpenB, WJuniorB, WOpenB, M/WOpenEasy, M/WOpenVeryEasy, M/W10Novice.
National League Classes: First starts from 9:30 am, at scheduled two-minute intervals.
Other Classes: Starts from 10.00 am – 11:00am. Queued starts at two-minute intervals by course.
Course closure: 1:30 pm
2022 Autumn Classics: course planning guidance:
Course No | Difficulty | Middle Distance | Long Distance | Classes: Short Names |
Course 1 | Hard | 5.1 km, 250 m, 19 c | 13.5 km, 480 m, 30 c | M21E |
Course 2 | Hard | 4.6 km, 240 m, 16 c | 10.1 km, 295 km, 20 c | M20E |
Course 3 | Hard | 4.1 km, 230 m, 15 c | 8.0 km, 260 m, 13 c | W21E, M21Sport, M35A, M40A |
Course 4 | Hard | 3.7 km, 180 m, 17 c | 5.9 km, 215 m, 14 c | W20E, M20Sport, M45A |
Course 5 | Hard | 3.2 km, 160 m, 12 c | 5.1 km, 160 m, 10 c | M16A, W21Sport, M50A, M55A, W35A, W40A |
Course 6 | Hard | 2.7 km, 125 m, 12 c | 4.3 km, 135 m, 8 c | M21AS, M35AS*, M60A, M65A, W20Sport, W45A, W50A |
Course 7 | Hard | 2.3 km, 100 m, 10 c | 3.6 km, 90 m, 11 c | M45AS*, M70A, W21AS*, W16A, W55A, W60A |
Course 8 | Hard | 2.0 km, 85 m, 10 c | 2.8 km, 60 m, 11 c | M55AS*, M75A, W35AS*, W45AS*, W65A, W70A |
Course 9 | Hard | 1.6 km, 75 m, 8 c | 2.0 km, 45 m, 8 c | M65AS*, M80A, M85A, M90A, W55AS*, W65AS*, W75A, W80A, W85A |
Course 10 | Moderate | 2.8 km, 120 m, 10 c | 3.7 km, 90 m, 11 c | M14A, MJuniorB, MOpenB |
Course 11 | Moderate | 2.6 km, 75 m, 7c | 3.5 km, 70 m, 10 c | W14A, WJuniorB, WOpenB |
Course 12 | Easy | 2.5 km, 50 m, 10 c | 2.9 km, 75 m, 11 c | M12A, W12A, M/WJunEasy, M/WOpenEasy |
Course 13 | Very Easy | 2.1 km, 70 m, 10c | 2.6 km, 45 m, 11 c | M10, W10, M/WOpenVeryEasy, M/W10Novice |
* Long Distance only
General Information
General information about Canberra, including accommodation, places to eat is available here.
The areas covered by the maps known as The Gib (2013 and later) and the areas covered by the maps known as The Sandhills (1983 and later) and others known as Birkenburn, Timber Tops, and Wild Deer Sands are embargoed until after 4 April 2022.
Entry Fees
Senior (> 20) | Junior (< 21) | |
Day 1: Elite and Sport classes | $24 | $16 |
Day 1: Other classes | $24 | $16 |
Day 2: Elite and Sport classes | $24 | $16 |
Day 2: Other classes | $24 | $16 |
SIAC Hire | $5 | $5 |
A Family maximum will be calculated by Eventor on the basis of two adult fees and the lowest junior fee.
Entries are open via Eventor
Individual Events:
Saturday 2 April: Wildfire Sports Autumn Classics Day 1
Sunday 3 April: Wildfire Sports Autumn Classics Day 2
Entries will close on Eventor at 11.59 pm on Sunday 20 March 2022
Late Entries: will only be accepted at the discretion of the organisers.
Limited Entries-On-The-Day will be accepted only for Course 6 (Hard), Course 11 (Moderate), Course 12 (Easy) and Course 13 (Very Easy), subject to the availability of maps.
Start Times and Final Event Information: will be posted on Eventor by 11.59 pm Sunday 27 March 2022.