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Mid-Winter Training – It’s for Everyone

Three days of quality training for all interested orienteers will be held from Tuesday 29 June to Thursday 1 July.

If your school holidays are looking a bit quiet why not throw in a bit of wild running in the great outdoors to brighten up those cold days. There will be seven coaching sessions covering all the skills needed to improve and succeed at moderate courses, such as handrails, aiming off, route choice, and attack points.

  • The training is not just for juniors, it will cater for all ages – so both adults and kids can take part.
  • You can attend all 7 sessions, or just a couple – you choose.
  • While the target is moderate level, if you are in the transition from easy level to moderate there’ll be something for you.
  • If you are confident at the moderate level and are looking for extension, there will be plenty of activities designed for you too!

$20 per person or $40 per Family for all seven sessions (+3% Register Now booking fee). One price only regardless of the number of sessions attended. This includes a suite of colour training maps, entry to Wednesday Lunchtime public event and pizza on Thursday night.

Details are in the information flyer.

Register here.