You are currently viewing MTBO Series #2 at Bruce Ridge, 23 May

MTBO Series #2 at Bruce Ridge, 23 May

The second event of 2021 ACT MTB Orienteering Series will kick off on Sunday 23th May, starting 10am at the ever-stimulating Bruce Ridge, with the Assembly area adjacent to Alivio Park (+enjoy a coffee from Alivio Cafe).

The new Course Setter of ACT MTBO Series#2 is experienced mtboer and foot-orienteer, Andrew Cheffers.

Starts will be from 10:00am to 11:30am, with course closure at 1:30pm.
Four courses will be provided – Long (about 12-15km, 70 min); Middle (6-9 km; 60 min), Short (3-6km, 40min), and Novice (1.5-3km; 30min). We will have coaches at the start, who will help explain to beginners what to do, and equip them with key tips.

Pre-entry fee is $15, or you just can show up and enter on a day $20.
Many Map Boards will be available for Hire on the day! ($5)

All the details are in the information flyer. Enter through Eventor here.

The complete 2021 ACT MTBO Calendar is available here

Welcome to MTB orienteering and enjoy navigation at higher speed!