At the Board’s meeting this month the President noted current events seem to be continuing well, including the Sprint Series, but that promotional signage could be better used locally for upcoming events, including at ParkRun events (subject to their organisers’ agreement). The Treasurer reported on development of financial statements for audit, acknowledging 2020 was an exceptional year, but that the Schools Championships accommodation deposit has been rolled over. The Executive Officer noted we have a very high number of individual transactions eg claims for reimbursement of expenses. A strategy to address this would be to have a ‘claim for expenses’ link/form on the website. The Secretary reported on EOIs received for OACT sub-committees and OA awards.
The Board agreed that it would be worthwhile to have: a finance sub-committee comprised of the treasurer and executive officer, with a budget to be formulated after comparison between 2019 and 2020 outcomes; a technical and mapping sub-committee; and a coaching and development sub-committee. Terms of reference are to be prepared.
For the new Event Planning and Management Sub-Committee the Board accepted nominations from clubs as follows:
- Bushflyers – Matt Stocks
- Red Roos – Bob Mouatt
- Parawanga – Sue Garr and Michael Radajewski
- Abominable O-Men – John Shelton Agar
Geoff Wood will convene the first meeting of the sub-committee before the next Board meeting and ensure series coordinators are included. An early focus for the sub-committee will need to be NOL events and OACT championships for the next 18-24 months. The next local program requiring attention will be the 2021/22 Twilight Program.
Easter 2023
The Board was pleased to accept the following nominations (so far):
- carnival director – Stephen Goggs
- day organisers – Toni Brown (for the prologue), Sue Garr and Valerie Barker (for day events)
- IT/finishes – Matthew Purcell and his CGS team
Stephen to call a meeting of Easter 2023 technical and day organisers as soon as practicable to progress planning.
Monday 22 February 2021. This online meeting will principally be to vote on the proposed amended constitution and address Board vacancies. OACT’s two voting reps to be the president and secretary, but anyone else may participate in a non-voting capacity. Paul to collate names of OACT members interested in dialling in to the OA AGM.
Tate reported on progress with maps at Nimmitabel, Stringybark Hill and Smokers Flat, and on updates to maps at Girls Grammar, UC, Haig Park, AIS, ADFA, Mt Stranger, Pine Island and Stromlo Forest Park.
Other business
Contributions for the annual report are due; Jesse Piiroinen has indicated he intends to relinquish the computer operator role at the end of this summer season – Paul to advertise the position; an OA NOL rules bulletin was issued noting that if an event in the season is cancelled and/or for any other reason an extra event is scheduled, then the final OACT event at Broulee will not be a chasing start; the new OA High Performance manager (Fredrik Johansson) will be holding a HP meeting this week re NOL event planning; the Board agreed that Tom de Jongh and Jane Barnett be retained as team managers for the deferred Schools Championships event now due to be held in Tasmania in September 2022 – Paul to advertise for a Schools Team coach and for a Blue Lightning squad coach and manager, noting the latter should also plan to run a cake stall/fundraiser; at Easter 2021 a controllers meeting is to be held the day after the carnival. The Board noted that it would be desirable for OACT to hold a controllers workshop soon, with clubs to be encouraged to identify participants.
Next meeting: 15 March 2021