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MTBO Mapping Workshop Shares the Frontiers of Modern Mapping

An excellent two day MTBO mapping workshop was delivered by Hamish Mackie (Mapping Officer, ONSW) in Canberra over the weekend of 5-6 December.

Hamish, who is a very experienced MTBOer and father of Lucy Mackie (Silver Medallist at JWMTBOC2017 in Lithuania), shared his knowledge of the latest IOF MTBO mapping standards and mapping software techniques. The field session was extremely insightful, covering the use of digital field mapping on a smartphone or tablet, so that mapping can be done digitally while in the terrain. The workshop received a high level of interest from mappers, course setters, controllers, and organisers.

On behalf of OACT, we thank Hamish for an excellent workshop and for sharing his top-level MTBO expertise that will help MTBO to develop further in the ACT.