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New Map for Metro Series Final – This Saturday

Abominable O-men and Canberra Cockatoos stalwart, Shannon Jones, has created some intricate and fast flowing courses for the final event of the Junior League on Saturday September 19th.

While the parking and assembly area for the event is at the usual location for Aranda Snow Gums, all courses will start in the old Cork Oak plantation which is now part of the National Arboretum. This is the first use of this recently mapped area.

Courses are designed as sprint distance – fast and furious with a need to keep your wits about you and keep contact with the map!

  • Moderate 1 – 3.6km
  • Moderate 2 – 2.6km
  • Easy – 2.0km
  • Very Easy – 1.8km

NOTE – Distance from Assembly to the Start is approximately 450m. The route will be sign posted and taped with pink and blue tape. Please KEEP LEFT in the underpass and take care when walking on, and crossing, the shared path (‘bike path’).

Enter via Eventor, entries close 11:59pm Friday 18 September.

Special notes for all courses:

  • All courses have a mandatory taped route (pink tape) through an underpass from the Cork Oaks section to the Snow Gums section. This is the same underpass that you will use on the walk to the start. Please KEEP LEFT and be careful of other orienteers, pedestrians, horses and cyclists in this section of the thoroughfare and when crossing the shared path (‘bike path’).
  • After this underpass there is an optional crossing point over the fence which is not marked on the map as it is next to a control. This crossing point will be obvious in the terrain and have pink tape, hessian and milk crates to help people cross.

Additional special notes for Moderate 1:

  • Moderate 1 has an additional optional crossing point which is marked on the map. In the terrain it is a gap in a broken fence and will be taped with pink tape.
  • Moderate 1 has a second mandatory route (not taped) through a different underpass. Please KEEP LEFT and be careful of other people using this underpass and when crossing the shared path (‘bike path’).