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December Development Camp – Register Now

The 2018 Australian Junior Camp will be held in Ballarat, Victoria from 15th – 20th December.

All juniors 14 years of age or older are welcome to attend. The camp will be run by experienced coaches including Australian elites and international scholars.

Three course levels will be available:

  • Beginner Hard: For those athletes new to hard navigation (i.e. M/W16 in 2019).
  • Hard Short: For a middle distance session 3-4km
  • Hard Long: For a middle distance session 5-6km

Athletes 20 years or older are welcome to attend the camp but will be encouraged to participate in some coaching of the younger athletes.

Entries are now open on Eventor. Please register before November 11th. 

To register for the camp:

  1. Register on eventor .
  2. Book in to accommodation of your choice (if participants book in to the PAX holiday centre individually, rooms will be allocated once the full list is known).
  3. Email ACT coordinator Sabrina Sonntag with the following details:
    • Confirmation that you have registered for the camp on eventor.
    • Whether you can provide or need transport.
    • Whether parents travelling with athletes, or athletes 20 years old plus, are willing to supervise participants.
    • Confirmation that you have booked accommodation (whether PAX holiday centre or other location in Ballarat).
    • Your contact details.

For more details see the information flyer and visit the event on Facebook.