The first event of the 2018-19 Runners Shop Twilight Series will be held this Wednesday (17 October) at Weston Park.
Enter on the day will be available, but there’s still time to buy a Season Pass. The pass offers excellent value, with a 50% discount on entry to all Twilight Series events. For details see the information flyer. Visit Eventor to purchase a pass.
Enter on the day fees: member adults $10, member juniors $7. $10 non-member juniors and $15 non-member adults. Hire of a SportIdent timing chip is $5.
Start anytime between 5:00pm and 6:30pm, course closure 7:00pm.
Course planner John Suominen has set the following courses:
Blue (very easy) 1.8km
Green (easy) 2.7km
Orange 2 (moderate) 3.4km
Orange 1 (moderate) 4.8km
The map is a 1:5000 map using sprint map symbols, please take note of the various out of bounds symbols that will appear on the map, crossing of these areas is strictly forbidden.
This will also be the welcome event for the Summer Map Mates series, a four week action packed adventure series for children aged 7 to 13. See the information flyer for details and head to Eventor to register.